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    In construction. Will be at TRL 6 by 31st July 2025.

    This Vehicle can survive and continue to operate 

    in Sea State 9, without needing to remain Airborne.

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    TRL 6 wthin six months of contract start. 

    A Deep Ocean ASW Sensor Project

    Includes a Perpetual Electrical Power Supply (Patent Applied For) and "Flapping Foils" to harvest wave power for surface propulsion, without draining any internal power source.

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    TRL 6 Summer 2025

    Lower Winglets create surface effect safely over waves up to 2 metres in height, 

    extending flight duration by up to 20%

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    Our Uncrewed Autonomous Vehicles have real-time secure communications, which can integrate with existing “in-service” networks, or with our own "LYNX" communications platform which is very similar to BAE’s NetVIPR™.

    This was part of our demonstrations to NATO’s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) and the combined QinetiQ/Dstl Wireless Showcase event at Portsmouth in 2023.

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    Our Uncrewed Autonomous Vehicles have real-time secure communications which can integrate with existing “in-service” networks, or with our equivalent of BAE’s NetVIPR™.

    This was part of our demonstrations to NATO’s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) and the combined QinetiQ/Dstl Wireless Showcase event at Portsmouth in 2023.




MoD References for the Following Projects

We can put you in contact with the MoD Personnel who supervised these projects. This will only be arranged where we qualify the relevance of your interest. Such introductions will only be made to other MoD employees.

Sensors for Charybdis Phase 1.

Charybdis Phase 1

At our final presentation to the Submarine Delivery Agency our University PhD research professors explained the capabilities of our sensors. Remembering that these researchers work in an underwater environment and they (or their equivalents at other Research Universities) teach the staff that your company/organization hire or those who work for the sensors manufacturers.

The point to this introduction is that the technologies and capabilities that we have are very advanced. We think that at least one was unique to our proposal, based on the reaction of those in the room. How do we know we were unique?

We were the last company/organization to present, so the SDA had reviewed all other offerings before we presented. It was clear during our interactive discussions, between our Researchers and the SDA Reviewing Panel that some of our Sensor Technology raised areas of interest from the Panel.

But what about using Sensor Systems from established Sensor Suppliers?

Existing Sensors from Large Manufacturers

As part of our research we contacted major manufacturers of sensor systems, and also found smaller companies that manufactured sub-assemblies of such systems. We also visited some of those companies.

It became clear to us that simply using their technology, even if modified would not deliver the optimum capabilities that we wanted.

An Integrated Sensor Platform

If you start from the beginning, think of how much easier and lighter and more optimum a sensor platform could be. Here are a few areas to consider;

  • Power Supplies. Use a common power rail (replicated for resilience). No need to carry the weight of multiple power supplies, each on its own replicated for resilience, and supplied for each individual sensor system? How much weight and size can we save?
  • Data Integration. One common "data mark-up" language. One common operating system. One common programming language.
  • Database. Use a common database? Simplify data integrity. Simplify application integration.
  • Printed Circuit Boards & Racking. You could design your own PCB Rack. You could use COTS Embedded Boards, and use bespoke PCB’s to inter-connect data where necessary.
  • SWAPC. Size, Weight, and Power (and Cost). Instead of “integrating” unlike, different systems/modules from various sources, we can design our own. Everything is designed to efficiently meet the requirements.

Bill of Materials - RISK Reduction & Mitigation.

Instead of having different Bill of Materials (BOM's) from multiple sources, with different supply chains, we have one BOM, plus alternative BOM's? The importance of alternatively sourced and managed BOM's was illustrated with the semi-conductor shortage of 2020 to 2023.

We design our system(s) using COTS parts, boards etc. We will test and lock-down the BOM with different Hardware, Firmware & Software, but we will design a totally different "specialist product", using different parts from different sources. That may seem like additional effort (and it is), but when you cannot source parts for your BOM, this delivers a pre-practised and tested solution.

Time to Deliver

We have already proven we can deliver to TRL 4 and TRL 6 in a few months, what normally takes large Defence Primes years to do.

It just takes experienced people, working together, and we have the MoD references who you are welcome to be introduced to. Just get in contact with us, and we will arrange it.

MoD Project - Secure Communications between UAV’s, UUV’s and USV’s.

MoD, Secure Communications between UAV’s, UUV’s and USV’s.

The MoD funded us to develop a TRL 6 Project, whose capabilities are similar to a combined; BAE NetVIPR™ , BAE Trinity™ and OpNet.

We developed and built this to TRL 6 in six months. At the end of the project we were invited to demonstrate it at the combined QinetiQ and Dstl Wireless Event, and later to the Senior Royal Corps of Signals Management Team, from NATO’s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) at Imjin Barracks.

We named our solution LYNX and it allows us to communicate between Uncrewed Vehicles back to LYNX or they can securely communicate directly to “in-service” communication systems.

At the same time as this project, we developed a Dstl SAPIENT Interface, which we successfully demonstrated to the Chair of the Dstl SAPIENT Panel, 18 months ahead of the QinetiQ officially funded upgrade to include Protobuf. This could be important where it is planned to interface with USA assets.

MoD, Dstl. A Marine Specific project to design and build an Automatic Troposcatter Alignment & Tracking System.

MoD, Dstl. A Marine Specific project to design and build an Automatic Troposcatter Alignment & Tracking System.

We delivered this project in four months. It was tested using “in service” Troposcatter radios, and Dstl shared the Final Project Report with the US Department of Defense.

Troposcatter can have long range capability and high data throughput, but the “Tropo-Scatter Effect” is negatively influenced in a marine environment, because ships, helicopters, planes will move. As they move, the Troposcatter dishes lose optimum signal path lock, and the communication link fails.

Our project designed and built to TRL 4, an automated mounting system, which was interfaced to and tested with “in service” Troposcatter radios.

We demonstrated how we could move the dishes, such that they initially could “find or locate” the distant Troposcatter dish, and then maintain optimum radio lock, when one or both Dishes are moving.

This technology could be used with mini Troposcatter Dishes on our UUV's, USV's and UAV's. Or we could use our Specially Developed VLF Radio System, to maintain communication. Note. Remembering that our TRL 4, VLF Radio System, has a high data throughput, a small & directional antenna, and operates underwater.

Next to Dstl, Porton Down

Transparency reduces

Risk and Costs

Partnering with INTEL & TD Synnex (formerly Tech Data)

Our partnership with INTEL & TD Synnex reduces Risk & Costs, see https://datasolutions.tdsynnex.com/intel-solution-aggregator/

We lead the engagement through NDA's and Non-Compete Agreements

Everything we do is subject to NDA’s and Non-Compete contracts with our partners. This allows us all to work collaboratively, and transparently with our customers. Everyone explains who their employer/university is. By doing that nothing is hidden.


This open, honest, transparent way of working reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding. Commercially our partners know the details of all contracts, and understand when and how they will be rewarded for their involvement.

To provide engineering breadth and research capabilities we lead projects, supported  by several UK universities and small engineering companies. This partnering strategy gives us a wide range of capabilities, coupled with innovation.

To supply Cheap off the Shelf (COTS) products we use TD Synnex (formerly Tech Data), a $62 Billion technology distributor.  Note. All resellers/integrators/defence firms use distributors such as TD Synnex. But we do it differently?  We only use TD Synnex. Which means we build a supply chain which delivers a tighter, more trusted specifying and logistics process.

Who are our partners;

Several UK universities

Specialist manufacturing companies

Intel® Alliance Partner

TD Synnex ($62 Bn Technology Distributor)


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